Amnio Results:

8 Oct


Did you think that I would have those by now?

Yeah. Me too.

Effing hell!

So I called on Tuesday (14 days post amnio, the very LATEST they told us that the results would be available) and they told me to call back on Thursday because that was the earliest that they would be in. So I called this morning and I was told that they needed a few more days, possibly not until early next week.

What’s that sound you ask?

Oh, that’s just me SCREAMING and tearing my hair out.

So apparently because there was blood in the samples (lots of blood by the way, and that is supposedly very rare…though I wasn’t a bit surprised that it happened to me because I have an anterior placenta). Well, I guess it’s Nolan’s placenta, technically, not mine.

ANYHOW, they did say that they have done some checking and have not found any trisomy 21 (nor anything else of concern) YET, but that because there is so many of MY cells (aka, the blood) in the sample, that they need to do a whole lot more checking before they can say for sure that Nolan does not have Down’s Syndrome.

What’s really, REALLY irritating Hubby and I is that we now have our hopes up. ::sigh::

Meanwhile, Hubby had his first pre-transplant appointment yesterday. Apparently the doctors were quite shocked that he was able to conceive a child naturally since men with kidney failure on dialysis are usually infertile. YEAH buddy…no one was more surprised that us! LOL

But I hadn’t really ever thought of that aspect of it before, and that made me fall in love with Nolan just a little bit more.

11 Responses to “Amnio Results:”

  1. twondra October 9, 2009 at 3:51 am #

    How absolutely frustrating!!! I can’t imagine the frustration.

    I had never heard that about men with kidney failure and dialysis. I wonder if that was the case for Mark. I wonder why that is….but very interesting. Obviously you guys proved them wrong. 🙂 🙂

  2. Tara October 9, 2009 at 4:56 am #

    Argh! I cannot imagine the frustration you must feel! We had a snafu with testing, too. After Eon was born, our ped ordered the karotype and they didn’t do it, but we didn’t know that. So we kept waiting and waiting. Finally, I had him call and check. Nope. Just ignored doc’s orders. Had to go through it all again. Because he was on the outside, I knew something was different about him, but started to get nervous that maybe it wasn’t Ds at all…maybe it was some rare thing no one had ever heard of. I was relieved when the result showed just your run of the mill T21!

    Anyway, hoping you get your results soon and they are accompanied by peace of mind! How awesome that your little miracle baby is more of a miracle than you previously thought!

  3. Michelle October 9, 2009 at 5:35 am #

    That is so frustrating. You guys just can’t catch a break from the worry. I’ve still got my fingers crossed that everything is fine. And yes, Nolan IS a little miracle. 🙂

  4. Sweet Georgia October 9, 2009 at 7:01 am #

    I can’t imagine how frustrating the wait has been for you both. And, I don’t blame you for getting your hopes up, yet not wanting to. I’m glad that your hubby is on the road to the transplant.

    Hopefully those results are in very soon!

  5. Michell October 9, 2009 at 7:11 am #

    I hope you have for sure results soon.

  6. annacyclopedia October 9, 2009 at 8:02 am #

    Urgh! I can only imagine your frustration. Hope the rest of the wait goes smoothly and very very quickly.

  7. S October 9, 2009 at 8:37 am #

    That stinks!!! I hate waiting! Good thoughts coming your way!

  8. leahboral October 9, 2009 at 11:27 am #

    Ugh!! I don’t know that I would have walked out of there without a record! They should not do that to you! I hope that you get the results before he arrives! Of course, it would be your luck for him to come before they do! = )

    Still holding my breath!

  9. Aunt Becky October 9, 2009 at 11:47 am #

    I think my hair just all turned grey at once. GAH.

  10. viety82 October 10, 2009 at 9:42 am #

    I’m so sorry that you have to deal with all of this re: amnio on top of what you’re already dealing with. Hang in there–he’s almost (well, hopefully not too soon) here! Thinking of you and your family in PA and hoping that everything works out–Nolan, your hubby, all of it.

  11. Two Makes Four October 12, 2009 at 9:23 am #

    Aw, I love the end of this post. The rest can suck it because you should have results by now! Fingers crossed.

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